Quick Enquiry
People4 Profit & Planet

An honest, objective, self assessment of the business provides the management with a solid foundation to establish the Strengths & Weaknesses of engaging its workforce and developing a framework for action

Self Assessment for: A value is required.

The following section provides a simple format for a business to undertake a self assessment that is both comprehensive and easy to carry out. Work through the following five components of the P4PP Self Assessment and, taking each statement individually, please select your answer from the adjacent box based upon whether you :


It is important that you try to be as honest and objective as you can, in order to achieve a worthwhile appraisal.

On completion of each question, add up the total for that component. Upon completion of all of the questions, transfer each component total to the summary sheet at the end. Add the component totals to give a percentage score for your business.

Our business has documented its goals and has a detailed strategy for achieving them Please select an item.
The strategy for reaching our goals have been deployed as objectives to relevant managers and teams for
achievement within a set timeframe.
Please select an item.
Each FLW [Front Line Worker] knows what he/she must do to contribute towards the achievement of team objectives Please select an item.
Our teams are fully responsible for reaching their objective[s] & Team Leaders facilitate the process to motivate
frontline People
Please select an item.
Training & development of FLW needs to achieve business goals are identified and a structure is in place to
address these needs
Please select an item.
Each employee is part of a team. These teams have clear targets & timescales for reaching business objectives Please select an item.
Each employee has key measurement criteria for evaluating performance Please select an item.
All employees are regularly appraised for their performance Please select an item.
The appraisal system is a 2-way process, which identifies & agrees key successes and any training/ development needs Please select an item.
Formal training/development/experiences are provided as a result of the requirements identified through the
appraisal process
Please select an item.
Relevant business issues are communicated effectively to all employees on a regular basis Please select an item.
Ideas for improvement from FLWs are encouraged and evaluated effectively Please select an item.
Teams and departments regularly communicate with each other to identify ways for improving the business Please select an item.
Responsibility and decision making is devolved to workforce teams as common practice in the business Please select an item.
FLWs are empowered to use discretion in order to resolve customer complaints without delay Please select an item.
An incentive scheme is in place, which recognises individual achievement and is aligned to business goals Please select an item.
Managers and Team Leaders informally praise the good performance Please select an item.
Formal systems are in place to recognise good performance Please select an item.
People are rewarded on merit alone and everyone knows the criteria for assessing performance Please select an item.
Teams are rewarded on merit alone and everyone knows the criteria for assessing team performance Please select an item.
Our customers recognise that our product and service quality is so good that we are therefore invaluable to them Please select an item.
We have a good spread of customers where the loss of the top two would not jeopardise the future of the business Please select an item.
Our customers often comment on the excellent service which our FLWs provide Please select an item.
Our frontline people are encouraged to identify means of improving customer service Please select an item.
We ensure that representatives from each section of the business visit customers to fully understand their needs
with regard to providing them with improved products/services
Please select an item.